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All posts tagged

"Service Discovery"

Integrating Service Discovery and Registration with API7 Enterprise


June 13, 2024

Integrating Service Discovery and Registration with API7 Enterprise

API7 Enterprise provides seamless service discovery functionality, enabling dynamic management and invocation of services in microservices architecture, improving system flexibility and availability.

Service DiscoveryAPI7 Enterprise
API Gateway and Service Discovery: Seamless Microservices Integration


February 7, 2024

API Gateway and Service Discovery: Seamless Microservices Integration

Let's explore how to achieve intelligent routing and dynamic service management in microservices architecture, enhancing system reliability, and scalability, and simplifying deployment and operations.

Service Discovery: Key to Unleashing Microservices Architecture


January 16, 2024

Service Discovery: Key to Unleashing Microservices Architecture

Service discovery provides robust support for the construction of distributed systems, offering not only flexibility and elasticity but also streamlining the entire development.

API7 Cloud Integrates with Kubernetes Service Discovery


February 24, 2023

API7 Cloud Integrates with Kubernetes Service Discovery

API7 Cloud integrates with Kubernetes Service Discovery to help users proxy applications deployed in the Kubernetes cluster conveniently.

APISIX Ingress Controller Integrates with Service Discovery


January 13, 2023

APISIX Ingress Controller Integrates with Service Discovery

APISIX Ingress Controller integrates with service discovery to reduce deployment costs for microservices.

What Is Service Discovery in Microservices


October 21, 2022

What Is Service Discovery in Microservices

Comparing the interfacing methods of Apache APISIX and other open-source service discovery systems like Consul, Eureka, and Nacos.

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API Management for Modern Architectures with Edge, API Gateway, Kubernetes, and Service Mesh.


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