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Build a Diverse Content Social Media Platform

To fix the problem of inconvenient service management and costly R&D investment, we introduced APISIX as our API gateway. APISIX's dynamic performance with etcd aligns most with Beeto's product requirements.

Lilin Hu


Director of R&D at Beeto


20% cost savings

in migrating from monolith to microservices

40% less system interaction


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Beeto is an Arab-targeted multi-diverse content, social media platform and community with Arabic trending, hashtags, top influencers, and videos.

It was ever ranked No. 4 on the Top List of the Saudi Arabian iOS App Store, surpassing veteran social platform giant Facebook. However, it faced some challenges when growing:

  • The use of a monolithic service architecture leads to high maintenance and operational costs.

  • The architecture involves complex deployment and service calls, with multiple technology stacks involved.


APISIX has been implemented as the primary API gateway in the architecture deployment, responsible for handling all traffic. The gateway routes and forwards north-south traffic while also managing east-west traffic for services on the intranet.

Competitive Edge of Our Solution

Multiple Extension Tools

The APISIX gateway cluster offers a range of extension tools, including a registry center, service control, service monitoring, protocol forwarding, and plugins for all services.

Various Policies

Apache APISIX can handle various policies at the gateway level, including authentication, service forwarding, and health checks.

Dynamic Service Forwarding

Apache APISIX significantly aids Beeto in terms of dynamic service forwarding.


Save Costs

By unifying north-south and east-west traffic, APISIX has helped Beeto save on resources and workforce costs, while enabling dynamic and unified management.

Simplify Architecture

The deployment architecture has been simplified, lowering interaction between the gateway and users.

Efficient Management

APISIX's multiple extension plugins have facilitated efficient management of permission verification, route distribution, and health checks for services.


APISIX's ability to dynamically launch and migrate services has been developer-friendly.

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